
Infopoint Chiavenna

23022 - Chiavenna (SO) Piazza Caduti della libertà, 3
T 0343 37485
F 0343 37361

Monday to Friday: 9:00-12:40 e 14:00-18:00
Saturday: 9:00-12:40 e 14-18:50
Sunday: 10-12 and 14:30-18


Infopoint Madesimo

23022 - Madesimo (SO) Via alle Scuole
T 0343 53015

Daily open: 9.00-12.30 a.m / 3.00-6.00 p.m.


Infopoint Campodolcino

23022 - Campodolcino (SO) Via D.R. Ballerini, 2
T 0343 50611

Monday, wednesday and sunday: 9-12.30 am 
Friday: 3.00-6.00 pm
Saturday: 9-12.30 am, 3.00-6.00 pm
Tuesday and thursday: closed

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Autunno a Campodolcino

Finita l´estate le giornate iniziano ad accorciarsi, il paesaggio cambia e l´aria si fa più frizzante.
Non per questo Campodolcino è meno attraente, anzi, ricoperta di colori dalle sfumature autunnali, offre agli occhi di chi osserva uno spettacolo indimenticabile.

I boschi si animano di cercatori di funghi, speranzosi di poter trovare qualche gustoso frutto del sottobosco, di cui la zona di Campodolcino è molto ricca. Gli animali tornano in valle dagli alpeggi, e nel periodo di transumanza animano le strade del paese con i suoni delle loro campane, salutando gli amati pascoli.

I colori dell´autunno regalano a Campodolcino un aspetto pittoresco, da favola, ideale per appassionati di fotografia che trovano ...

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Frasnedo in autumn

-La Valle dei Ratti: an enchanting corner
which rises up and above Lago di Mezzola
There’s no better time than Autumn to take a trip to this unspoilt little gem, which hinges on the village of Frasnedo, at a height of ...

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Autumn in Val Codera

The first steps of this extraordinary uphill trail never fail to take me by surprise. It’s a genuinely tough climb up the steep flank of Monte Avedèe, a route which appears totally inaccessible seen from the main road heading down and through ...

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Classic Alpine Carden
Discovering ancient wooden and stone buildings, hallmark of the entire valley, which over the years have transformed the mountain slopes.   They represent a key element forming an integral part of the Alpine landscape, emblematic of history and tradition. We’re referring to the “càrden”, distinctive structures ...
Snow racquets magical Bondeno
Snow racquets are by far the easiest way to get around in the snow on excursions at the very heart of nature. It’s a fun and engaging activity, much appreciated by those who wish to discover the magic and spectacle of Alpine nature in wintertime, far from the confusion of the ski slopes. Among the countless ...
In the footsteps of smugglers
BOCCHETTA DEL NOTARO IS A PERFECT DESTINATION FOR THE AUTUMN MONTHS. AN EVOCATIVE ROUTE, RICH IN HISTORY. Autumn in Valchiavenna offers endless opportunities for anyone who loves hiking. Among the host of destinations that every year we point up here on these pages, there is one in particular that blends together ...
Pianazzola:where poeople come together!
Nadia and Roy are from Capetown, South Africa and for some time now have spent several months of their year at Pianazzola. And they’re not alone in this: people from countries far and wide have decided to make the little village their haven of peace, away from the stress and mayhem of city life. But Nadia and Roy’s ...
In appreciation of the serenity of a typical Alpine community. Discovery of a seductive place where testament to an intense and vital past remain. The mountain pastures are a world apart. Far away from the tourist pack, chaos and traffic. Places of a delicate beauty, with a wealth ofb history and tradition. Spaces to ...
San Fedelino a martir and a monument
A MAGICAL PLACE   It must have happened to all of us – any number of times - passing right by wonderful locations – not a moment’s hesitation, without ever realising what we’re missing. That’s precisely the case for the many who ...
Cycling to lago Bianco:10 pointers
Not the first time in ValchiavennaVacanze we are affording space to the Pian dei Cavalli and the way up to Lago Bianco. Indeed the path heading off from Campodolcino to the natural basin is one of the most popular routes for cyclists (mtb and e-bike) during the summer. It starts in the centre of the village (1,070 ...
San Giorgio in pocket rucksack on your back
The village of San Giorgio, gateway to the exuberant Val Codera, will find a place in any visitor’s heart. No little thanks due to the “Friends of Val Codera” association founded in 1981 by residents and enthusiasts even from elsewhere - like Lecco and Milan, yet tied intrinsically for both emotional ...
The poet refuge
The Capanna - or refuge - Giovanni Bertacchi, nestling on the banks of the attractive Lago d’Emet represents an oasis of tranquility in the Valle di Madesimo, surrounded by Nature at its most majestic and a silence only to be found in the upper mountains. Accessed by an enjoyable, not too demanding excursion, ...
Marmitte dei Giganti
GLACIAL PHENOMENA Today´s glaciers are just a modest reminder of those  that perodically covered the alpine chain and all of Europa from 1 million years ago up until about 10 thousand years ago. The Park contains many traces of these ancient glaciations: ice-polished and striated rock, erosion channels, shafts and ...
Acquafraggia Waterfalls
A Natural Monument in Piuro-Valchiavenna The waterfalls known as Acquafraggia, situated in Piuro, Valchiavenna have, as their source, the ‘pizzo Lago’ or ‘Lake at the Peak’ located at a height of 3050 metres, forming the watershed between the North Sea and the Mediterranean. A torrent bearing the same name issues ...
Of Pizzo Prata
The excursion has as its destination the refuge opened by the Barzanò branch of CAI in 2001,in memory of Luigi Vaganò, the mountaineer who died in 1994 while climbing the north side of Pizzo di Prata. The commitment of the CAI members, with the support of the Consorzio Forestale di Prata Camportaccio, has created a ...
Uschione by mule track
Uschione just has to be one of the most attractive hamlets in Valchiavenna. Situated half-way up the valley side and once inhabited on a permanent basis, today it still boasts splendidly preserved dwellings which blend effortlessly within a magnificent landscape. Get there by tackling the dry-stone mule ...
Flowering of the rhododendrons
text and photo di ENRICO MINOTTI Situated at 2,228m, at the south-west limit of the valle del Drogo, nestling among the rocks between Pizzo Campanile to the north and il Pizzaccio to the south, sparkles lago Caprara. The seductive Valle del Drogo on the right flank of Valle Spluga enchants all year round. But I ...
Along the lepontine flank
Valchiavenna is shaved on its western flank by the Lepontine Alps. A veritable crown of majestic peaks, which stretch northwards, touching the municipalities of Samolaco, Gordona, Mese and San Giacomo Filippo, a barrier from nearby Switzerland. It&´s a vast geographical area within which many routes have been ...
Acqua Merla
GENERATIONS OF GENUINE FUN   Getting there couldn’t be simpler. Campodolcino, close by the Liro torrent, across from the camp site and before the road that leads to the hamlets of Starleggia and Splughetta, you’ll find a vast green sloping meadow. You’ve discovered Acqua Merla. Should the signposting be unclear - ...
Fairytale Foppaccia
There are places in Valchiavenna where the arrival of a particular season brings with it a very special magic. Foppaccia is undoubtedly one of these. And that explains precisely why, every year from March to the end of April, I love tackling the climb up here armed with my trusty camera, appreciating the joys of ...
Avero a mountain idilly
An old Alpine settlement can be the perfect journey’s end for a summer outing. They are invariably tranquil, captivating places often combining panorama that linger long in the heart and mind. Some wise old bird once wrote, “There are landscapes which can deliver the sense of where and those that serve up the sense ...
Maloja, Val Bregaglia guided tours of the Hotel Maloja Palace
Thursday 21st December 2023 and 4th January 2024 at 1.30 p.m Who was the Belgian Count Camille de Renesse? Why did he have this extraordinary building constructed in an uninhabited Maloja?   Answers to these questions and much more will be revealed to visitors on the proposed tours of the majestic Maloja ...
Pian dei cavalli
Prehistoric Man amid the High Pastures The outing we are proposing covers one of the most striking parts of Valle Spluga. Sitting above the right hand slope at around 2000m the Pian dei Cavalli appears to the hiker as a vast green ridge, a slightly sloping high pasture land. It’s well documented that the region was ...
Carlotta e Gloria Trekking
The french writer Jean Giorno declared: “The sun is never as beautiful as the day on which you set out on foot”.   And anyone who practises trekking or hiking is well aware of it. The very first steps on an excursion express the perfect synthesis of enthusiasm and expectations that the path that awaits us might well ...
Val Bodengo, un angolo di paradiso
La Val Bodengo vi aspetta per svelarvi i suoi affascinanti segreti. In un habitat ancora intatto, la Val Bodengo custodisce testimonianze di una tradizione alpina rimasta immutata, con nuclei rurali significativi. Qui, negli ultimi anni, sono nate anche molte attività sportive moderne come il canyoning, ...
Enduring appeal
The itinerary linking the southern arc of the Alps with Switzerland has always secured a very special place in the hearts of the many who have travelled its length. It has a magic which continues to attract thousands of visitors every year from all over the world.   A unique, historical route indeed. Even ...
The great throne awaits
The natural park of the Marmitte dei Giganti is a vast green area that stretches along the left side of Val Bregaglia, between the municipalities of Piuro and Chiavenna. It proceeds rather like the unfolding of a historical novel, full of paths and trails along which extraordinary narratives develop which began in the ...
A little bit of magic
It might seem like the beginning of a fairy tale, but it&´s not. It&´s pure reality. Smurfs, gnomes, intriguing glimpses and an abundance of colours populating an enchanted forest, little known and yet easily accessible. But where? In Val dei Ratti. The idea of animating Nature and making it fun in the eyes of ...
Dawn at lago Bianco
Photos by Enrico Minotti and Francesco Triaca   In order to avoid the extreme heat of summer 2022 I embarked on a number of outings after getting up very early. Among the many perhaps the most seductive was the one to Lago Bianco, where I was able to witness - and photograph - the extraordinary spectacle of dawn at ...
Passo Spluga, the sublime ascent
by Stefano Tam Leaving from Chiavenna (333m) as far as the Passo dello Spluga (2117 m), riding through hairpins bends as if bonded to the granite outcrops, on roads designed by genius Carlo Donegani in the frist half of the 19th c. The climb to the Passo dello Spluga is an experience that every serious cyclist ...
History culture between past and present
Trekking in Valbregaglia
WALKING COMES NATURALLY! The Via Bregaglia and the Via Sett are splendid hiking routes undertaken in stages over a few days. The itineraries afford the opportunity of getting to know and appreciate fully the picturesque little mountain villages along with the culture and art of this magnificent Alpine region. ...
Lago Ledù: pure magic
One single thing unites all those who have visited Lago Ledù. It’s an emotion that lingers long in the heart when anyone views the panorama at altitude at a place suspended between the Alps and Lake Como. It’s a challenging climb of course, but suitable for anyone with decent legs and lots of puff! ...
Along le vie del Viandante
The ways of the wayfarer By definition, a "wayfarer" or rambler is someone who heads out and away from the town on foot in search of more distant parts. A pretty accurate description and one that certainly sits perfectly as far as the spirit with which the proposition of the “Le Vi del Viandante” is promoted, with ...
Holidaying in harmony
Wandering through woodland, outings taking on the steepest of pathways, the beauty of lake, stream and mountain. Summer in Madesimo is a truly magical experience breathing in nature&´s pure air. It&´s now universally accepted that we should respect our surroundings and behave appropriately so as not to damage the ...
Lake bergseeli and the azzurri lakes
The upper valle Spluga throws up countless sports and hiking opportunities, but that&´s not all. Any "enlightened" rambler can&´t fail to appreciate the geographical and cultural character of the Spluga Pass. Sufficient to understand that “Cunus Aureus”(the Latin name of the Roman period given because of the potential ...
Spring in your step
Springtime is a great incentive for us all to get out and about, rediscovering some of our favourite walks along inviting hillsides or off the beaten track along the valley bottom.  Here’s a gentle enough outing for all the family, starting at Pianazzola one of the most distinctive villages seemingly suspended ...
Alpe Cima in Autumn onwards and upwards
It’s easy to argue that Autumn is quite the best time in which to enjoy a trek up to the high pastures above Valchiavenna. Over the years this magazine has indicated a wide range of destinations for our readers to aim for: places and routes that afford splendid panoramas or indeed little-known corners of ...
The Paiedo loop
An excursion not to be missed in Autumn is undoubtedly the one that leads to the charming village of Paiedo in the territory of Samolaco. Autumn represents the perfect season in which to visit an environment with some exclusive panorama of Valchiavenna under the watchful eye of the southwestern face of Pizzo di Prata. ...
Sui passi di Suor Maria Laura
Un viaggio immersi nella bellezza dei luoghi dove ha vissuto e operato Beata Suor Maria Laura Proposta rivolta a gite grest/oratori feriali, cre e centri estivi   Programma  10.00 Arrivo a Chiavenna 10.15 Cine-teatro Victoria proiezione filmato 10.45 Inizio percorso guidato 12.00 Pausa pranzo e ...
The tower at San Sisto
A colourful autumnal outing to the valley which overlooks Campodolcino. A silent sentinel observes Upper Valle Spluga. Largely hidden by branches within pine and larch woodland which encircle it, the 16thC tower at San Sisto singularly bears witness to the slow passage of time, untouched by the constant changing ...
Dreamy Northlake Como
The mountains that form a magnificent crown to the whole lake broaden here like an amphitheatre, giving the Alto Lario a somewhat wider scope that borders on Valtellina and Valchiavenna. Green slopes rising up towards the high peaks seem to plunge gently into the blue of the lake and offer truly unique panoramic ...
The jewel that il Gravedona ed uniti
An ideal itinerary for families, discovering the historical and artistic beauty of Gravedona ed uniti, a splendid little community overlooking the Lario. Foto Oliver Wagner The origins of Gravedona ed Uniti are lost in history. Roman substantiation is still evident in the toponyms of various places and in ...
Excursions the Lago della Ruota
Text and photos by Enrico Minotti A terrific itinerary, far from the well-known and popular summer destinations, but totally rewarding in terms of landscape- or if might - wilderness- Lago della Ruota - at 2372 m - is set like a diamond in granite, 300 metres below the Calcagnolo ridge to the south of the ...
Itineraries in Verceia and surroundings
Welcome to Verceia, a place rich in history, beautiful landascapes of the lakes and the mountains, itineraries, traditional flavours, events and celebrations, sport and much much more... The first town in valchiavenna from those approaching from the south, Verceia looks out over Lake Mezzola, rendering this ...
Lookout, for a picnic!
From up here in ancient times, lookouts would observe the entire valley, in coalition with other positions situated in strategic positions that have today become destinations for excursions suitable for everyone. Yes indeed, even today the Torre di Segname rarely goes unnoticed by anyone travelling along ...
Alpine lakes in autumn
We have chosen four destinations above 2000m in order to appreciate the magic of autumn in the upper mountains Dynamic when charged with the fine light of summer, more intense and yet delicate in autumn. The Alpine lakes of the Valle Spluga which from September to November put on their most lavish attire, throwing up ...
Out and about in woodland
How to get the most out of a season of intense colours, and intoxicating forest scents. After all the excitement of summer, autumn turns up happily representing a season of transition and change, both for us and for Nature itself: the intense green gives way to the warmth of red, yellow, and gold of the larch; the ...
Magical colours
DISCOVERING NATURE ALONG THE BANKS OF LAKE COMO, BY BICYCLE OR ON FOOT FOLLOWING SOME CAPTIVATING ITINERARIES. Western upper Lario is the ideal destination for lovers of biking or ramblers heading for the higher parts. Bikers can enjoy relaxing outings on cycle paths along the shore or more challenging engagements ...
The Baldiscio lakes
In previous autumn editions of Valchiavenna Vacanze we have tried to point up any number of trekking outings heading up to some memorable destinations. Comfortable walks generally which would take the visitor within a transient nature to appreciate the constantly changing colours ...
The Pian di Spagna area
"Pian di Spagna" is a wide plain between the Lake of Mezzola and the Lake of Como, at the entrance of Valtellina and Valchiavenna. It´s a wetland of great naturalistic importance among the area of Sondrio, Lecco and Como. The place is mainly overgrown with canes, mixed broad-leaf wood, wide pasture ...
You won’t be disappointed. So many and varied are the delights of the Valle Spluga. Captivating natural beauty flanked by very particular rchitectural features of ancient village, mule-track and magical cobblestone pathway. History and heritage enveloped within a priceless cultural environment. Just an hour’s walk ...
Autumn: intimate and inspiring
The hills are alive at this time of year with the ritual mating call of stags, forming an impressive, powerful and vocal part of nature’s bold Autumn display. Colours change dramatically on a weekly basis to the delight of regular hikers along mountain paths; but there’s much more in nature’s armoury. There’s no ...
Natural habitats
Discovering precious habitats, whose protection is of particular importance for the conservation of biodiversity. As any of the locals will testify, until 1960 the stretch of water above Mottala di Fraciscio, in the Municipality of Campodolcino was still clearly visible. In the local dialect it&´s known as ...
MTB - The Sommarovina loop
A really enjoyable outing to one of the most popular scenic spots in the entire valley. by Salvatore Fontana   I thought long and hard about which might be an appropriate route for an outing this summer. The Sommarovina loop certainly fits the bill and is one of my favourites. Perfect both for those with athletic ...
Along the chestnut trail
Here’s a place where the history of the territory is inextricably linked with its emblematic product: the chestnut. A project which was the brainchild of the Consorzio Forestale di Prata Camportaccio, has succeeded in recent years in showcasing the value of its local fruit resource. Since 2002 more than 200 resident ...
Le vie del Viandante
Twelve paths united by a common destiny: that of becoming one of the most beautiful and very special pathways that travellers have roamed over the centuries.   There are any number of motives that have led them to cross this very particular territory, but what is clear is that each and every modern wayfarer has been ...
In Chiavenna the RENT A BIKE hire point is up and running in the railway station complex. The service works by reservation (at least two days prior to the day on which the bike is to be collected). Reservations should be made at the office of the Consorzio Turistico Valchiavenna, by calling +39 0343 37485 or by ...
Pastures on high
Yes indeed, an outing to Valle dei Ratti heading for the Capanna Volta cabin open anew to hikers this year. In recent summer editions of Valchiavenna Vacanze we’ve made a point of highlighting a range of attractive itineraries within Lower Valchiavenna. And rather than disappoint, this year we have selected a further ...
Greetings from Dalòo
A special place indeed and the ideal destination for an Autumn jaunt. You can reach Dalòo on foot from Chiavenna following the path that heads up from Pianazzola, or alternatively from San Giacomo Filippo taking on the twists and turns of the road open to vehicles for consortium members. Up until the fifties Dalòo was ...
Cà Pipèta
Finding shelter within mountain areas has always been at a premium for anyone committed to working alongside cattle during pasture time. Spontaneous, improvised respite beneath rocky ledge or squeezed between outcrops came pretty naturally, perhaps with a small fire in a wind-free corner for cold nights. Some sort of ...
Onwards and upwards for the sweeps of Sommarovina!   First consideration of the name Sommarovina doesn’t exactly set the heart beating with hope anew, nor does it suggest in the slightest the beauty of the landscape and environment all around. However the reality is somewhat less of a catastrophe, as the place name ...
Samolaco's itineraries
Samolaco (in dialect Samòlaĉ/Samòliĉ, and in Latin Summo Lacu) owes its name to its geographical location situated at the northern tip of Lake Como. In the past the village must have been built near the ruins of the church of San Giovanni all&´Archetto, where the remains of lime-burning kilns are still ...
Lakeside at the very heart of nature
Lakeside at the very heart of nature by Enrico Minotti What we are about to discover are quality hiking routes, suitable for walkers with a sophisticated palate who in addition to appreciating Nature itself, really enjoy historical/cultural itineraries. And we’d like to recommend a particularly attractive and ...
Villa di Chiavenna rivive l´antico
Nell´ambito del Progetto V Bando Distretti: verso expo 2015.   Il comune di Villa di Chiavenna, ultimo comune della Bregaglia italiana, è uno tra i più antichi confini alpini non orografici. A ridosso del confine di stato italo-svizzero lungo la statale 37 del Maloja confina con i ...
On your bike
For any biking enthusiast there are all manner of opportunities to get yourself in gear and take off on trails throughout Valchiavenna. The slopes surrounding the most farflung district of the municipality at Villa di Chiavenna are a fine example. In fact there are any number of itineraries here along which to ...
Discovering Mese anew
Discovering Mese anew Two brand new itineraries guiding you towards the genuine charms of the village as you embark on a gentle Autumn outing. “La Via della Val Grande” and “via dei Crotti and Böc&´”. Yes indeed these are the names assigned to the tours inaugurated this summer in Mese. Appropriately signposted and ...
Dai Camuscin
Discovering a genuinely unspoiled place, where a few years ago a young couple decided to open an authentic and attractive farm-style restaurant. Magnificent spring days are bound to encourage everyone to spend time in the open air. And there are any number of highly accessible destinations where you can enjoy the ...
Wherever the mood takes you
by Marcella Fumagalli   There are any number of itineraries – involving canoe or bicycle - to take in the delights of Nature and the environs of the lake and its inhabitants. We’re in the magnificent Pian di Spagna Nature Reserve, at Lago di Mezzola, where Valchiavenna itself opens up. This protected area extends ...
Giardino Alpino Valcava
An interesting year ahead for the Giardino Alpino - Madesimo’s Alpine Garden - with a host of new initiatives. Not all will reach completion (the very height of the place is bound to create occasional logistical problems) but some look sure to meet their ‘deadlines’. But the surfeit of snow this winter coupled ...
Gualdera Bondeno e Avero
Attorno a Campodolcino si trovano alcuni angoli tutti da scoprire: piccole oasi di pace tra cielo e terra. La zona offre agli appassionati di trekking numerose escursioni a contatto con la natura e il paesaggio, che presentano differenti livelli di difficoltà dovuti al dislivello, alla conformazione del ...
There’s no better time than summer to get a serious eyeful of the village of Savogno and its medieval origins. Situated halfway up the slopes, it represents one of the most interesting and best-preserved rural settlements within the Province of Sondrio. We’re here above Piuro, at 932m on the Italian slopes of Val ...
An outing to Andossi
The welcoming Madesimo basin and gentle slopes of Andossi come as something of a pleasant surprise after the rigours of the steep and rugged val San Giacomo. And it’s precisely here, a plateau in the upper Spluga valley that we are to make our way. There are many different approaches to Andossi, all easy and ...
E - vergreener Madesimo
Make no mistake. EMadesimo = e-bike.   Today, power-assisted bicycling is genuinely on the move. We are no longer talking about a fashion but a completely new way of interpreting getting about on two wheels, and of Mtb in particular. Madesimo this summer has already hosted vast numbers of tourists taking full ...
The Bivouac Val Capra
VIVA VAL CAPRA! Following the opening ceremony in 2016, Cai Chiavenna’s Bivouac is now ready and awaiting its public. We’re at precisely 2164m. Just across from the entrance one’s gaze takes you far into the distance. Pizzo Groppera (2948m), Stella (3163m), Galleggione (3107m) make their presence felt whilst to the ...
A cultural treasure trove
Ecomuseums represent a network of places, people and shared experiences in which the participation of the local populace is crucial. They are all about identity, values and future generations. Group and individual memories are explored, telling of origins and evolution over many years: a vital ...
A scent of springtime
The snow makes way for the emerging cornucopia of colours. Water cascades anew at the waterfall at “gushing” Groppera. Meadows pose proudly in bloom, the very first crocus in the valley bottom can’t fail to take the eye whilst accompanying aromas herald the end of winter and the arrival of Nature’s most prolific of ...
AN OUTDOOR PARADISE The mountains of Valle Spluga represent a vital natural heritage, flush with peaks, woodland, lakes, rivers, meadows and breathtaking panorama. The very heart of the Alps. A natural ambience boasting unparalleled beauty. Madesimo: a gem nestling in the mountains straddling the Italian/Swiss ...
Traversata del Groppera da Angeloga a Motta
Prerogativa dell’andar per monti è l’atavico, interiore desiderio di vedere di più e più lontano, di aprire lo sguardo e l’animo agli ampi spazi offerti dalle alte vie. L’uomo del terzo millennio spesso costretto a spazi minimali e ai viali “canyon” delle fumose ...
Il laghetto di Gualdera
Da non perdere per chi trascorre le vacanze a Campodolcino è il laghetto artificiale realizzato alla “Palude del fieno” nella zona di Gualdera, località nella frazione di Fraciscio a 3 km dal Paese. Quest’opera è di notevole valenza turistica, in quanto punto ideale di ...
The bridge at San Guglielmo
A NEW BRIDGE A new vital union is set to enhance the magnificent via Spluga which connects Switzerland to Italy. It’s already much-appreciated that the well-trodden path over centuries which links Thusis in Switzerland to Chiavenna has some fantastic panorama along the entire route. The new link which opened in ...
The alpe Lavorerio
The Alpe Lavorerio is located in Val Pilotera along the left slopes of Val Bodengo. It was here some years ago that four friends decided to set about renovating the old “town hall” at 1862m and to create a refuge. With the support of the Gordona authorities it required 4 years of solid commitment, from 1992 –1996 in ...
Via Alpes
VIA ALPES VIVERE LE ALPI PERCORSI STORICI Itinerari di trekking - Val bregaglia- Chiavenna - Morbegno - Passo San Marco
Singing the blue hours
Spending the night in the mountains has always been a passion of mine. Be it in tent, bivouac or refuge. It’s enough just to be there but then photography added another serious dimension. An awareness of the range of light. By day, at dusk, the blue hour, then night itself with dawn awaiting. And remember - all you ...
The chapel at Borgna
Blink and you might miss it. Like many extraordinary man-made structures throughout our magnificent valley. Little vineyards and mountain dwellings over the years have become integral to the landscape. Such is the little chapel, Cappella della Borgna at San Carlo just outside Chiavenna itself. A brilliant white ...
Rural settlement
Crana: interesting place for its scenic position on Chiavenna, for its happy exposure to the sun and for some type of spontaneous architecture. Pianazzola and Dalò: perfect view on Chiavenna, and small village with diverse and peculiar architecture. Savogno and Dasile: unique settlement, ideal place for a special ...
The origin of the name is simple. Coloredo derives from “colöri”, indicating in local dialect a stone within a fruit. But the place itself has quite an extraordinary history being documented for the first time in 1247 before becoming – along with nearby Gordona – the spiritual and actual property of the Bishop of Como ...
St. Andrea's Hill
by Sergio Scuffi This little hill sits all alone in Samolaco, in the village of Era. A solitary spur almost in anticipation of the vast mountain slopes behind. Heading off from the Statale 36, you reach it by following the secondary road to Trivulzia. Then take the car up the via Roma, until you go into the via ...
Off the beaten track
Foto di Franco Moro It was only last year that CAI Chiavenna opened this excellent bivouac in one of the most beautiful and unspoilt valleys in the area. The somewhat inaccessible Val Aurosina is situated in Piuro on the left slopes of Italian Val Bregaglia. A combination of its ravine-like nature and a ...
Discovering the pastures of Portarezza
Testo e foto a cura di Irene della Morte Any regular visitor to Campodolcino can’t help but note the somewhat original sense of humour which characterises local dialect. Particularly evident in the tiny conurbation of Portarezza, a place flanked by mountains, perched between ...
La caurga della Rabbiosa un monumento naturale
Monumento naturale “Caurga della Rabbiosa” Il Monumento Naturale “Caurga della Rabbiosa” è stato istituito con deliberazione n. 7/10204 del 6 agosto 2002 della Giunta Regionale della Lombardia, al fine di tutelare le caratteristiche naturali geologiche, geomorfologiche e paesaggistiche ...
Savogno, Dasile and Corbia
All along the watchtower that the terraces of Bregaglia represent there are perfect autumn destinations. Savogno sets the standard, whilst Dasile and Corbia too offer breathtaking panorama over Valchiavenna and upper Bregaglia. Consider the options: on foot from Salone to ...
Alpe Servizio
Alpine Pas tures: Revisited High mountain pastures – a world away from traffic, the hurly-burly of modern times – after a long period of neglect are slowly finding their voice again in order to re-engage with the public. And clearly they merit serious consideration. Evoking times of old when our ancestors did ...
Heading for Alpe Campo
An extraordinary itinerary, full of charm and splendour with breathtaking panorama all along the way by Mauro Premerlani, CAI Chiavenna. Yes indeed, the route from Pra Princée up to Alpe Campo. It’s a genuinely exhilarating outing for anyone who has decent enough legs to get them there and back in around ...
Vacanze a Campodolcino
Lontano dal caos delle città, si scoprono paesaggi aspri e soavi, dove la brezza montana sfiora i verdi prati estivi o i tetti bianchi dell´inverno, dove l’aria pura rinfresca ed il buon calore dei sapori della tradizione scalda il cuore. In ogni stagione la particolare vegetazione alpina, i suoi ...
Judge for yourself
We recommend a gentle stroll towards Alpe Calones in search of an often ovelooked work of art.   Sommarovina: A delightful village awaits along the Valchiavenna hillside at around 1000 metres within the San Giacomo Filippo municipality. Perfect for an autumnal outing. Follow the road that heads up towards Olmo, ...
Three passes: Spluga, Julier and Maloja
await the intrepid motor-biker   The charm and beauty of Valchiavenna appeal not only to those who love to wander the pathways or trek along its ancient routes. In summer when the weather tempts everyone outdoors our local roads are buzzing with bikers heading for the Alpine passes close at hand. Leaving from ...
Gola della Roffla
La Gola della Roffla, con le sue cascate, sono visitabili grazie ad una spettacolare mulattiera ricavata a mano nella roccia che si snoda tra impervie pareti di pietra stratificate e legate con malta, alternando semi-gallerie a tunnel e gallerie intagliate nella nuda roccia. Questo affascinante monumento naturale ...
Off the beaten track
Discover a little-known spot perfect for a Springtime Outing   La Cesura is one of those mysterious yet captivating places which you’re unlikely to find unless someone points you in the right direction. Away from well-trodden paths, this ancient farmstead was built in 1673 by Caterina ...
In the footstep of Carducci
Carducci goes to Madesimo for the first time and the place becomes instantly irresistible. It’s the summer of 1888. Bored and somewhat saddened by his day-to-day Bologna, he moves up to the Alps within Valle Spluga. Villa Adele is to becomes the ‘base camp’ for his explorations. Carducci would roam the high pastures ...
Biking in and around Verceia
One of the most attractive and appreciated stretches of the network of bicycle paths which connect pretty much the whole of Valchiavenna is that which goes through Verceia, and it really is rather special. The route develops for the most part along the old Statale 36 dello Spluga over bridges and along ...
In the footsteps of San Luigi Guanella
Initiatives and activities celebrating the values, life and work of Luigi Guanella continue apace following his canonization last October. He was born in Fraciscio on the 19th December 1842. Moving to Como at the age of 12 to study for the priesthood led to his early pastoral work which took him first to Prosto, then ...
Campodolcino itineraries and surroundings
Angeloga: where silence reigns
For a classic family holiday in the mountains look no further than staying in a refuge. And it was with families in mind that last year Monica and Matteo along with their 7 year-old Davide took over the running of the Rifugio Chiavenna at Alpe Angeloga above Campodolcino. From May until the end of October this young ...
The path to the gorge
Work on the construction of the dam at Truzzo was completed in 1928. After four years of a combination of din and dustclouds Valle del Drogo resumed its peaceful existence following a period dominated by the sound of pickaxe and dynamite at work. Back at home the workers talked ...
Easy walks to Madesimo
Sentiero Carducciano
Cent’anni or sono, il 14 luglio 1901, il consiglio comunale di Isolato, come si chiamava allora il Comune di Madesimo, deliberava all’unanimità il conferimento della cittadinanza onoraria al poeta più famoso d’Italia, Giosuè Carducci, che aveva scelto di passare lassù le ...
The Bivouac Val Loga
The village of Montespluga, 9 km north of Madesimo occupies the northern end of a basin much noted for the historic Ca’ della Montagna, today the Vittoria Hotel which for years provided food and shelter for generations of travellers often caught in extreme weather conditions. And it’s right here that the excursion ...

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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (


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