From Monday to saturday: 9-12.30 a.m, 3-6.30 p.m
Sunday: 9-12.30
Tuesday: closed
Eventi in Valchiavenna18 sabato
PARADISI DI GHIACCIO Conferenza ed osservazione del cielo con l’astrofisico Davide Trezzi. Presso Mu.Vi.S., Campodolcino, ore 20.30
Info: Infopoint Campodolcino
19 domenica
ESCURSIONE SCIALPINISMO Livello facile. Presso Campodolcino, ore 8.30
Info e iscrizioni: Infopoint Campodolcino FESTA DI S.ANTONIO A SAVOGNO Ore 11 S.Messa, segue pranzo con prodotti tipici, estrazione biglietti lotteria. Per l´occasione sarà aperta al transito libero la strada ...
Eventi invernali a CampodolcinoVieni a passare le feste e i weekend invernali a Campodolcino, troverai tanti eventi ed attività!Tickets Milano Cortina 2026
Giochi Olimpici Invernali Milano Cortina 2026La Valtellina tra i grandi protagonisti dei Giochi Olimpici Invernali Milano Cortina 2026 Dal 6 al 22 febbraio 2026 si terranno i XXV Giochi olimpici invernali, noti anche come Milano Cortina 2026. Tra i protagonisti di questo straordinario evento con atleti provenienti da ben 93 nazioni vi sarà ... |
Team26 Programma volontari Milano Cortina 2026Aperte le candidature per Team26, il programma volontarie e volontari di Milano Cortina 2026. Ci siamo appena lasciati alle spalle la fantastica esperienza di Parigi 2024 e già la mente ci porta alle prossime Olimpiadi e Paralimpiadi invernali di Milano Cortina 2026 che avremo l’onore di ospitare ... |
Places to discover Lago Azzurro in wintertimeText and photos by Enrico Minotti Alpe Motta is easily reachable by car from Madesimo along the “via per Motta” route, or by using the Sky Express underground funicular leaving from Campodolcino. And it’s from here that the engaging outing begins towards Alpe Motta and Lago Azzurro. Very popular during the summer, ... |
Nicola e il mondo delle cascate di ghiacciotesto di Nicola Ciapponi, guida alpina Alla scoperta di un ambiente intatto, che nella stagione fredda regala emozioni uniche. Quando ripenso alla prima volta che entrai in Val Febbraro, si risvegliano in me ricordi vividi ed emozionanti. Provate a immaginare: siamo negli ultimi giorni di dicembre, ... |
The Grandfather’s JourneyWith Giacomo Gandini’s story, we are introducing a new feature to our magazine, dedicated to stories that intertwine memory, nature and tradition inspired by the Alpine territory. This first story, entitled “The grandfather’s journey”, immerses us in the harsh Alpine life of the olden days ... |
The tibetan bridge at CampodolcinoCampodolcino is at the very heart of Valle Spluga. The vast plain is cut in half by the Rabbiosa stream flowing near the Parish church, where the water course is crossed by the splendid double-arched stone bridge known as “roman” even though it dates back only to the 17th century. The name Rabbiosa identifies the ... |
The ace up our sleevetext di AURORA MUIÀ GUIDI It’s encouraging to note that young people of my own generation hold environmental issues close to their hearts and as I travel it’s good to see that an increasing number of people appear to be interested in holidays inspired by values of sustainability and responsible ... |
Adventure outdoorsAnyone looking for an unspoiled place, where they can spend quality time immersed at the heart of nature, should look no further than Val Bregaglia. And what could be better than a camping sojourn to really appreciate the mountain territory? Below are a number of suggestions from the seductive Swiss valley for ... |
Lake lifetext ELEONORA CORTI Lake Como is much appreciated for its beauty, panorama and the seductive little villages scattered along its banks. A haven of peace and tranquility. But what makes the Lario landscape an even more attractive proposition are all the possible adrenaline-based sports that are readily available to ... |
Madesimo bike paradiseOnce the snow departs and the meadows breathe again, Madesimo becomes a veritable cycle-path. Whether on Mtb or electric bike, the resort and its surrounds offers trails for all ages, shapes and sizes! From the beginner to the most dedicated, along rugged and demanding mountain paths, on long panoramic biking ... |
Diga del Lago TruzzoAlla radice del Sistema idroelettrico della Valchiavenna Viaggio nel complesso idraulico che consente di generare energia pulita, oggi più che mai preziosa per l´uomo e l´ambiente. Con questo numero di ValchiavennaVacanze, prende il via il ciclo di articoli dedicato alla scoperta ... |
Spluga Park AdventureSPLUGA PARK ADVENTURE Fun - with a mix of skill and courage thrown in - at Mottala, the small nucleus in the village of Fraciscio. Just a few minutes by car from Campodolcino, the Spluga Park Adventure was inaugurated in spring: terrific trails suspended among the trees separated by levels of difficulty and height ... |
Experiences raising our glassesSummer 2022 in Chiavenna is characterised by the inauguration of the splendid walkway alongside the river Mera. The elevated, well-designed route leaves from the large free car park in Via Moro and heads upstream as far as the bridge of San Giovanni Nepomuceno, at the heart of the historic centre. It&´s a ... |
Il green tour in ValchiavennaIl green tour in Valchiavenna, il sentiero dello sport: da Milano – Cortina 2026 alla Valchiavenna Uno spettacolare itinerario di 130 km da percorrere in 3 giorni solo utilizzando mezzi ecosostenibili, partendo da Milano infatti è possibile raggiungere la Valchiavenna con i soli mezzi pubblici grazie ... |
Spring is on its wayPhotos and text by Enrico Minotti I&´m dedicating this series of shots in Valle Spluga to anyone who loves open spaces on high. People who enjoy the beauty of the journey as much as the destination, who appreciate the changing of the seasons and their distinct peculiarities. The natural beauty of the valley ... |
Colour and flavours of autumnIn Val Bregaglia - in the Swiss villages scattered between Castasegna and Maloja - autumn is tinged with warm colours and intriguing flavours. The sun shines, and the days are long enough to allow for enjoyable outings in woods and mountains, as well as experiencing the 17° Festival della Castagna. A cooling ... |
Informativa privacyInformativa sul trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del Regolamento Europeo n. 2016/679 (GDPR) Gentile Cliente, Consorzio per la promozione turistica della Valchiavenna desidera informarLa che il trattamento dei dati da Lei forniti sarà effettuato con modalità e procedure ... |
Valchiavenna VacanzeFor mailing purposes however we would invite a contribution of at least 10 euro on Italy, at least 20 euro abroad every 4 issues, which can be paid directly at our information offices at Chiavenna or Campodolcino or to the following bank account: Credito Valtellinese (Filiale di MADESIMO) IBAN: ... |
Fishing in the upper mountainsSilence all around with just a natural, light breeze for company. The scent of nature itself, the buzz and whir of insects and the distant sound of cowbell. Fishing, and particularly when practised at altitude, can offer truly original emotions and sensations. And then of course there&´s Madesimo and valle Spluga, ... |
Passaporto di montagna per bambiniUn passaporto a tutti gli effetti con tanto spazio per apporre i timbri dei rifugi e collezionarli. Si tratta di un quaderno studiato appositamente per i bambini e il mondo dell´infanzia, all´interno del quale i bambini saranno accompagnati a fissare i ricordi delle loro escursioni sui ... |
Alpin edenAlong the Andossi ridge, adjacent to Madesimo itself, sits a unique spot where typical Alpine herbs and plants almost run amok. But do not go unnoticed. It’s been a few years now since we originally told the story of the Giardino della Valcava, and we’re delighted to report in again - on its constant advance. But ... |
Top class HospitalityThe website of Maurizio Herman’s Farmhouse complex includes “Enjoy Valchiavenna and Val Bregaglia from the very best viewpoint!” A promise that is well delivered. Maurizio’s entrepreneurial history would make a jolly good page-turning book. His dream – which in his previous life ... |
An oasis of well beingAN OASIS OF WELL-BEING WITHIN ALPINE GREENERY At the disposal of all guests, a SPA area with swimming pool, also accessible to the general public on reservation. The Hotel Piuro Banqueting&SPA is the perfect place for a well-earned break to invigorate both mind and body wrapped up within a genuinely complete ... |
StargazingWinter excursions organised with Andrea Grassi, astronomer and connoisseur of the most atmospheric places from which to appreciate the heavens and all its secrets are invariably a huge success. “I’ve always had an intimate relationship with the environment within which we live and in particular our very own ... |
Kilometro VerticaleIl Kilometro Verticale è una specialità della corsa in montagna, con tracciato di sola salita percorrendo un dislivello di mille metri. La lunghezza del percorso varia in funzione della strada che si percorre. Non sono ammesse opere artificiali per abbreviare il tragitto. Il KILOMETRO ... |
The passion of a lifetimeThere are very few people lucky enough to claim that they managed to transform their greatest passion into a genuine career. Marino Del Curto is one of them. It was back in 1988 – when Marino was a mere 36 – that along with his wife Grazia – he decided to follow a hunch and to incorporate within ... |
A touch of classIf there is one single company which has succeeded in creating a genuine guarantee of qualityin its Brand, it has to be that of the pasticceria Mastai. Chiavenna is well aware of this. Proud even. Certainly when it comes to introducing the little town to someone less familiar, then Mastai is sure to figure amongst ... |
Follow usWe are all going through a delicate moment therefore we decided to keep you company by giving you moments of carefreeness by presenting you the beauties and culture of our Valchiavenna. We will bring you virtually around Valchiavenna valley with photos, videos and stories... we will pamper you with the charm of ... |
Tourism: Valchiavenna is ready and waitingPhase 2 starts right here. Meantime new opportunities for accommodation have already been finalised along with a range of initiatives to stimulate the start of the new season. Outdoor activities more singular perhaps, picnic hampers and the rediscovery of less-frequented places. Phase 2 of the resumption after the ... |
Highlights: special offers, events, news |